Monday, September 29, 2014

Why, hello!

I decided to start a new blog to capture all of my thoughts and discoveries in grad school. For privacy reasons I've decided not to explicitly say anything about my program, professors, or university but of course some things will become more clear as the blog unfolds - and also because I don't like the idea of this site coming up on search engines when people search for my university or program.

My hope is that this blog will be a journal of the tools that find in researching my dissertation although the occasional book review or journal article may drop in from time to time when I find something juicy. I mostly keep this for myself to document the journey so that I don't bore my friends and loved ones with all the details of my dissertation and studies but another reason I keep this blog is for my friend Alice who will be applying for grad school very soon as well.

Well then, time to get to it. 

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